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October Breast Cancer Campaign

Team photo for breast cancer campaign

Heating Up the Fight Against Breast Cancer: Our Annual Campaign for a Cure!

As we transition from summer to fall, our homes are transitioning from having our air conditioners on to starting our furnaces up. With this transition, we need to consider ensuring our heating systems are ready for the coming cold winter months. 
For the month of October, we will be hosting a special fundraising campaign. For each box of furnace filters sold, ServicePlus Heating and Cooling will be donating $20 to the Canadian Cancer Society to support breast cancer research. Furnace filters are not the only thing that should be checked monthly! We want to raise awareness that monthly self examinations are vital. Early detection is key to increasing survival rates. We hope this campaign helps our community to ensure they are 1) regularly changing their furnace filter to improve their home’s air quality and 2) are conducting monthly self examinations themselves and also are telling loved ones to do the same. 
Remember, every sale counts! Each box of furnace filters sold in October will mean $20 is donated to breast cancer research. To order your box of filters, call or text our office: 613-801-2804. If you are not in need of filters but would still like to participate in this campaign and support a worthy cause, you can easily donate online. The link to the fundraising page is:  https://fundraisemyway.cancer.ca/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.participant&participantID=6924.
We recognize the effects breast cancer has on each of us personally, as a community and as a country. Many of our team members have been personally affected by breast cancer as they have supported their loved ones through the battle. It is estimated that 1 in 8 Canadian women will be diagnosed with breast cancer during their lifetime. It is known that early detection along with conducting further research is essential to helping more patients win the fight and to ultimately, discovering a cure. As a local company, we are proud to stand alongside you as we work towards the goal of a cure.
Every donation and each sale makes an impact. Donations for breast cancer research offer a beacon of hope, not only to patients battling the disease but also to their loved ones who share their journey, providing a chance for a brighter, healthier future. 


Stay Updated On The Campaign

Our technician Jordan putting furnace filters in his truck for the breast cancer campaign.
Campaign furnace filters with thank you for supporting breast cancer
Khiana our customer service representative holding a box of campaign filters.
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